Jeshi is never one that fears experimentation, and here finds the balance between thought provoking and fun with "Mask on", and his ability to alter flows and his tone of voice really helps him here.
Produced by Pablo Pullen and Tev'n Saxophone by Venna , the bloops and bleeps that chime in and out the melody with the piano melody that holds it all together, give the beat so many interesting and soothing layers. But its when the saxophone kicks in with the blue vibes on the last hook that really takes your breathe away.
Mask on shows Jeshi speak on how we put on brave face to confront our fears in life, but in doing so can leave ourselves trapped in a false existence we start to hate.
"Need a fast car So I can depart from, this masquerade and I've still got my mask on"
Jeshi still can come quite aggressive with the flows and how he emphasises certain words, but his tone of voice is actually quite collected, if not depressing in contrast at points. Despite that, his delivery doesn't suffer at all. Its genuinely incredible how he pulls it off and how he can take advantage of how his voice naturally sounds, that takes a lot of skill to do.
It just makes us excited for whatever he comes up with next. If you haven't already, go and stream his most recent project "Bad Taste" here: