The rapper has always been a hit and miss for most people - you either love him or you hate him.
YoungBoy Nba makes autobiographical rap that overlooks strong thematics, like pain, paranoia, and trauma. Over melancholy pianos and guitars, the 20-year-old sings and raps in a choked voice that sounds like he wants to cry, but doesn’t know how.
His style is incredibly blunt, and listening to his music can be as brutal as immersing yourself in early Chief Keef.
The emotional immediacy is unquestionable, although the headlines swirling around him remain sinister.

The production on this album is mostly bland and a bit boring, such as on 'Off Season’ where he flaunts his wealth and talks on his killers with basic lyrics. and most of the tracks sound the same. The main elements include trap instruments, guitars and the majority of the beats have a gloomy atmosphere, such as on ' I'm Up' where he talks on the struggles of street life over a sad beat which is nothing special.
He has a quite decent flow and a nice melodic delivery but at times his aggressive style comes across forced and false , that can be off putting.
This project of 21 tracks blends well all together and becomes very anonymous and forgettable. The production is boring and generic, Youngboy isn't the most captivating rapper and it feels rushed on this album. The more melancholy tracks to p ut it bluntly were tedious, and while there were a couple of highlights the ratio is awful. It's just a really vague project where nearly every song is too dull and passive.