Atlanta 's star Summer Walker has released her new E P "Life on Earth "early last month, exactly 10 months after her d ebut album " Over It" catapulted her into the international R&B scene. Album that joined number 1 of the best R & B / Hip-Hop albums and number 2 of the Billboard 200 of all genres l ast year and with the highest streaming week.
Summer's career caught fire i n 2019, driving the "Billboard 100" mad, with the remix "Girls Need Love", in collaboration with Drake.

The project contains 5 tracks, with the collaboration of NO1-NOAH and Partynextdoor, giving us a taste of something that will be more substantial i n the near future.
Her sugary voice offers us a project stuffed with a wide range of emotions and feelings, exploring the alternate phases of love affairs and breakups.
The opening track 'Let It Go' is saturated with inflections of entrancing guitars, an acoustic piece that reminds us of her old EP " Clear".
"SWV "is a kind of homage to the R&B trio of the same name (SWV Sisters with Voice), a group that illuminated the i mperial phase of the 90s of the genre. A salute to the royalty of the R&B that marked a golden age for this type of music, but also remaining playful, with Summer able to cut these references, pasting them together in a moment of solitary fan worship.

An EP guided by the individuality of Summer Walker , " Life On Earth" finds space for two finely balanced characteristics, the two c ollaborations that enrich the project without overloading it.
“My Affection” is helped by PARTYNEXTDOOR, while NO1-NOAH is the fresh voice that appears in two tracks. The newcomer makes two appearances, producing and singing along with W alker in "White Tee" and "SWV ". On both tracks, NO1-NOAH plays the role of the boyfriend alongside summer.
The final piece "Deeper" was designed as a contrast to the "Playing Games" of 2019, with the artist from Atlanta surrendering to love. With her vocal purring in the background, the text becomes submerged by the effects before going back to the harsh reality.
Five enchanting moments of slowing down time, "Life On Earth" is a fundamental period of the R&B artist, who is heavy on aesthetic sensuality and lyrical emotion. With the tour program shredded by COVID-19, the artist collects the pieces and expresses herself in all her naturalness.
As always, it all comes down to her voice, delicate but present and looming everywhere. There is no need for interviews and promotions if the words are so strong. Her continuous, in-depth explorations of relationships, breaks up and everyday life are a universal feeling. Her work is cerebral and thoughtful. In the five tracks, Walker's lyrics never seem intoxicating. Rather, they are personal, almost as if she was right there with you. Her words are a balm: the comforting advice of an old friend through a whatsapp call.
Summer Walker gifted us an EP, which leans more on her personal influences, looking to the future, a succinct but diversified project that offers fragmentary glimpses of the emotional apparatus that stands just below the level of the skin.
